5 Foods That Might Be Causing Body Odour

Every part of the body has a natural scent, that is exactly how it should be. Even though it’s customary to cover up your au naturale scent with deodorant and perfume, chances are, unless you just worked out and broke a sweat, you don’t actually smell that bad. But if you do, it might be a result of something you ate earlier. Even healthy food can sometimes make you smell bad. This does not imply that you should fully avoid them; doing so will cause you to miss out on some excellent nutrients. Just be mindful of them so you can take precautions.

1. Allium Vegetables

allium vegetables

Allium vegetables are a subset of vegetables that contain sulphur. The most common are leeks and scallions. The allium family has high levels of sulfur-containing compounds that can leak through our pores, bloodstream, and urine, give us poor breath, and mingle with bacteria in our sweat for a not-so-appealing body odour. Yes, these vegetables can influence your overall odour, even in your pee.

2. Alcohol


Although this is officially a drink rather than a food, alcohol can undoubtedly contribute to body odour. Alcohol can leave an odour in the urine, pores, and breath. Alcohol is recognised by the body as a toxin, therefore as it decomposes inside the body. Oxidation is the process by which substances that the body cannot digest are eliminated through alternate ways. Toxins are converted during the oxidation process into diacetic acid, carbon dioxide, and water, which are then expelled by the breath, perspiration, and urine. So the morning after having one too many drinks, do everyone around you a favour and get out of bed and into the shower.

3. Asparagus


While asparagus may not have the same effect on body odour as allium vegetables, it does have one thing in common with them: it can influence urination. Asparagus is regarded as a naturally occurring diuretic that helps the kidneys and bladder. Urine may end up smelling just like asparagus as the body naturally breaks down the sulfuric components in asparagus and may give urine the sulphurous asparagus odour during the digestion process.

4. Garlic


You can’t ignore the reality that most scents are being released by people through their mouths. They exhale the scent of garlic every time they breathe, which causes a cloud of stench to surround them. Similar problems may be brought on by coffee and seafood. After a highly flavorful meal, you should brush your teeth and drink lots of water to help wash away food particles and bacteria.

5. Fish


Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), a metabolic condition, can really cause you to smell like one of the most identifiable aromas in the world: rotten fish. People with TMAU, also called fish odour syndrome, cannot break down the chemical trimethylamine, which has a fishy stench. Your body generates trimethylamine in your intestines during the digestion of several foods, including eggs, fish, and even some vegetables. As it accumulates inside of you, it is expelled through your breath, perspiration, semen, and urine.

How To Get Rid Of The Odour

It’s really simple to treat foul breath after eating, just chew on a mint, use mouthwash, or even better, floss and brush your teeth. However, there isn’t a lot of convincing scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of odor-neutralizing foods when it comes to preventing stinky sweat. Some studies demonstrate that activated charcoal and chlorophyll may reduce odour. Make sure to look out for these ingredients when shopping for hygiene products.

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