Going Viral One Outfit At A Time Ft. Nancy Tyagi

Nancy Tyagi is a creative fashionista who turned her dream into a stylish reality. With a passion for recreating celebrity outfits from scratch, Nancy’s talent shines through her unique approach to fashion design. In this fun chat, she takes us through her favourite recreations, dream collaborations, and her secret sauce to going viral.

You love recreating celebrity outfits from scratch, which one is your favourite?

The most recent recreation of an Alia Bhatt outfit is my favourite one from Bollywood so far. Before this, it was a Komal Pandey-inspired outfit.

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Would you like to style a celebrity or create outfits for them?

 It is my dream to create an outfit for Deepika Padukone.

Which outfit was the most challenging to recreate and how much did you end up spending?

Recreating outfits hasn’t been too tough for me because practice helps a lot. The real challenge is getting the right material to match my vision for each outfit. As for the cost, it varies. I can make some outfits for under ₹500, while others might range from ₹3000 to ₹3500 depending on the materials.

Is there a piece of clothing you’ve stolen from your mom’s wardrobe to recreate an outfit?

No, I haven’t taken any clothes from my mom’s wardrobe to recreate an outfit. Currently, I’m brainstorming and exploring various ideas for my designs. While I haven’t done it yet, I might consider drawing inspiration from her wardrobe in the future for a creative touch.

Who is your style icon? Why?

Komal Pandey is my style icon. I adore how she effortlessly elevates basic looks with her unique sense of style. Her fashion choices inspire me to experiment and express myself confidently through clothing. I especially appreciate the way she combines simplicity with elegance, making every outfit stand out.


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A brand or celeb you would like to collaborate with.

If given the chance, a dream collaboration would be with Deepika Padukone because of her incredible style which I truly admire.

When did you realize your reels are going viral?

I initially recreated iconic looks from Bollywood songs and transition videos and faced some hate. However, things took a positive turn when I introduced my ‘Outfit from Scratch’ series. The hate started turning into love, and my first reel from that series went viral, boosting my motivation and keeping me inspired to continue creating. Now, not only am I enjoying the process, but I’ve also built a supportive community that appreciates my content, making the journey even more fulfilling.


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What do you think is the secret sauce to going viral as a content creator?

For short-form content like reels, it’s crucial to keep it brief and to the point. In my experience, hard work is a key ingredient. By incorporating the creative process into my videos, from basic to couture, and experimenting with different styles, I began to see positive changes. Working hard and consistently putting effort into my content is the secret sauce that made my videos go viral.

What fashion advice would you like to give upcoming fashion creators and readers?

Hard work always pays off. If you’re passionate about something, believe in yourself and take a leap of faith. Starting a new journey comes with risks, but remember, consistent hard work will surely lead you to your destination.

From facing initial challenges to going viral, Nancy’s story is an inspiring blend of hard work and passion. She’s a storyteller, weaving her narrative through threads of style and determination.

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