Here’s A Sign You Need To Go On A Solo Trip ASAP

Pack your bags and head for the airport all by yourself. A journey awaits.


The thrill of solo-backpacking in a country that has nothing you’ve seen before, is a thrilling and yet scary experience. Got no one to rely on – all you have is you. How you look at it is completely up to you.

All you need is that country’s map handy, your best camera and the best personality you can embrace. Life within your comfort zone is very comfortable, which is surrounding yourself with the people you know and routes you can trust. 

But trust us, and take this as a sign from the universe (or the algorithm gods) and take that trip because:

1. It’s a Transformative Experience:

New places and being alone opens up your mind to better and wider horizons. Taking in and communicating to find your way through and explore with the limited wifi connection you can find. Sorting through internal travel and airports – finding and allocating taxis and local apps that make transporting easy. This is traveling that is based on your openness and instinct. 

2. You Can Do Absolutely Anything:

Imagine the freedom you’ve always wanted – you get it here. You are your own decision maker. Try out all the foods, attractions, people, events and bar or cafe hopping all you want. Sleep in through a full day and maximize on the hotel amenities or stay out till late and dance with a stranger. The game is yours.

3. Connect With Cultures and People Better:

Accepting cultures and mindsets of others, adds to your overall personality. You connect with cultures and carry a part with you wherever you travel. That’s the beauty of traveling solo, you absorb everything better. Rather than the hustle of being with a group that’s content with minimal connection. Try out their local attire, brew their famous coffee or wine, or learn the language as much as you can. The options are endless.

4. Adds Fearless and Independent To Your Personal Resume:

If there’s anything you need to pursue single-handedly, it should be to be fearless and independent. Skills like these are hard to find, and while solo travel sounds glamorous – it sculpts you into a new person and defines your outlook on life, making you a more humble and appreciative and a bold human.

But of course, do not forget to do your homework on what you should expect to find as every to-be tourist does. Fly with no expectations because you might never know what you might bring home with you.

About Author /

From travelling, to hogging on different cuisines and browsing mindlessly - I am always curious to the world of lifestyle and trends here and there.

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