Sniffing Out The Scoop – What You Need To Know About Fragrance In Skincare

The skincare world can get a bit judgmental sometimes. You know, like an Instagram reel blowing up and suddenly everyone’s treating an ingredient, routine, hack, or product like its public enemy number one. Speaking of which, let’s talk about something else that’s been unfairly judged in the beauty scene – sweet-smelling creams and lotions taking the blame for messing with everyone’s skin. Yeah, the whole fragrance situation in skincare is causing quite a stir, often fueled by influencers’ opinions. But truth be told, everyone’s skin is different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

Let’s get real about the whole fragrance debate. I stick to fragrance-free stuff for my acne-prone skin. But occasionally, I do treat myself to fancy products that come with a fancy scent. I might be biased, so let’s hear from an expert. They’ve got some interesting things to say.

Why is fragrance getting such a bad rap in skincare?

Fragrance can be perfectly fine for some, but for others, it can wreak havoc. Dr. Manasi Shirolikar, consultant dermatologist and founder of, says, “Fragrance is gaining attention due to its potential to cause skin sensitivity and reactions. Many fragrances are composed of multiple chemicals, some of which may irritate the skin.”

But who are these unlucky few who can’t deal with fragrance?

People with super sensitive skin, or those dealing with eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea might feel the burn – literally. “Fragrance can lead to contact dermatitis, an inflammatory skin reaction characterized by redness, itching, and sometimes even blistering”, says Dr. Manasi.

If artificial fragrance is the villain, what about natural fragrances?

Dr. Manasi adds “Natural fragrances, obtained from botanical sources, can still pose risks for sensitive skin individuals.” If you’ve got sensitive skin, fragrances might be a no-go. If you’re up for it, try looking for products with natural fragrances, but don’t get too comfy because even natural stuff can be irritating. So, your skin type and how much it can tolerate play a big role. If your skin’s chill, it can handle the fancy-scented products. But if you’ve got skin issues, like psoriasis or eczema, you might need to think twice.

How to deal with fragranced products?

Just treat them like any other skincare product. Do a patch test before you slather it all over. Put a bit on your arm or behind your ear – if something’s off, your skin will definitely let you know. You can also play around with how long you leave the product on, how you layer things, and keep your skin’s mood in mind. However, Dr. Manasi says, “Choose products with minimal or no added fragrance, especially if you have sensitive skin. Unscented products are often a safer choice.”

Feeling unsure but curious? Talk to a dermatologist before diving in – they’ve got the inside scoop.

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