5 Beauty Myths You Need To Stop Believing RN

It is easy to believe any sort of beauty advice, particularly when it comes from your mother or people who boast to be experts in the field. If you don’t know the reliability of the source, the internet can be extremely deceiving as well. You may have heard popular ones like shaving makes hair grow thicker or plucking one grey hair will cause ten more to appear in its place. I’m here to tell you that these are myths that you need to stop believing in right away with good reason.

Myth 1: You Can Train Your Hair To Be Less Greasy

It’s a popular belief that by not washing your hair as frequently, you may train it to become less greasy. When your body instructs it to, your scalp produces oil. Whether the hair has been washed recently or not makes no difference. The yeast feeds on oily or unwashed hair, causing dandruff or fungal infection. Depending on how often it gets oily, you should wash your hair every two to three days.

Myth 2: Pick A Foundation That Will Match Your Inner Wrist

To get a natural hue that complements your skin tone, the foundation should be swatched on the neck. You risk getting a light shade of foundation if you break this rule and test the colour on your wrist. The inside of the wrists, which receive less sunshine than the face, are lighter.

Myth 3: If You Have Oily Hair, Give Your Conditioner A Miss

Sebum is a sort of oil that the body naturally creates in excess, and it builds up and causes greasiness. Oily hair types should use a conditioner since it helps to hydrate, nourish, and protect the hair. To prevent the hair from seeming flat or weighed down, only apply conditioner to the ends.

Myth 4: Women’s Facial Hair Grows Faster After Shaving

No matter which area of the body is shaved, hair will not regrow any thicker or faster. Since unshaven hair has a tinnier and blunter, it may look like the regrowth is different in appearance. The fact that the new hair hasn’t yet been exposed to the outdoors may contribute to its darker appearance. Over time, the shade of the hair can change due to exposure to the sun, soaps, and other chemicals.

Myth 5: One Application Of Sunscreen Will Provide All-Day Protection For Your Skin

Two kinds of UV radiation can harm the skin and raise the chance of developing skin cancer, (UVA) and (UVB). UV radiation exposure has been shown to hasten skin ageing by seven years. You can shield yourself from the sun’s harmful rays by applying sunscreen 20 minutes before going out. However, you must reapply it every two to three hours. The SPF’s benefits lessen when you are in direct sunlight, reapplication is therefore required.

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