Everything You Need To Know About Biotin

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a pill that could give you gorgeous skin, hair, and nails? which might remind you of the numerous social media campaigns for dietary supplements. The majority of them promise you glowing skin or rapunzel hair in no time. They are biotin supplements. But be sure to understand what you are consuming and what it does, before going down the rabbit hole of trying and testing numerous items to see if they work. Here is everything you need to know about biotin.

What is Biotin ?

Biotin, a kind of vitamin B7 that aids the body’s digestion of proteins, carbs, and fats. Foods including milk, bananas, and eggs contain it in low quantity. Although biotin has several advantages, its main function is to turn food into energy. It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory qualities and to maintain a healthy metabolism. In certain situations, a biotin shortage might cause skin rashes, brittle nails, or thinning hair as visible symptoms.


Through the utilisation of the body’s available fat, protein, and carbohydrate resources and their conversion to energy, regular biotin intake can help regulate and enhance the metabolism of the body. Additionally, biotin promotes keratin synthesis in hair and can quicken follicle growth. You can promote the health, strength, and lustre of your hair with the help of biotin. Additionally, biotin aids in the prevention of numerous health issues like hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, etc. People who battle with dietary shortages may benefit from an additional dose of biotin to treat unhealthy hair loss and dry, brittle hair. It aids in producing new skin cells and promotes the effective operation of oil glands, leading to healthy skin.

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Where Can I Get My Biotin?

Biotin can be found in a variety of foods like eggs, meat, soy, almonds, whole grains, beans and legumes, cauliflower, and bananas. In the event of a deficiency, you can even take supplements for 1-2 months. However, frequent or prolonged use is not advised. The recommended daily intake of biotin for adults is between 100 and 500 micrograms, depending on their weight, gender, and age brackets (an elderly person may need more). Make sure to consult your doctor before consuming supplements of any kind, to ensure there are no problems with your overall health.

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