4 Times Fashion Brands Stole The Show In Movies & TV

Do you know the not-so-cool alternative to those sparkly pink heels, Birkenstock, is having a major “Cinderella” moment? Remember how Margot Robbie roasted those sandals in the Barbie movie? Well, turns out, that roast has actually made Birkenstock super popular. Riding high on the Barbie wave, the German shoe company, Birkenstock, is thinking about going public and aiming for a whopping $8 billion valuation.

This private company, backed by the fancy luxury brand LVMH, is considering becoming a public company as soon as this September. If everything goes as planned, it’ll join the ranks of things that became mega-famous thanks to showing up in movies and stuff. Here are a few more times when product placement was just on point.

1. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Remember “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”? That movie did for Tiffany & Co. what no other movie did for a jewellery brand. Audrey Hepburn’s connection with Tiffany’s has made it a go-to for fashion lovers. I remember watching that movie and then frantically searching online for the cheapest Tiffany & Co. item I could afford. But, alas, breakfast outside Tiffany’s was the closest I could get. The store still draws fans because of its role in the movie. That’s what we call some A+ product placement that’s still kicking even after more than 50 years.

2. Sex and the City

When Louise got a Louis Vuitton handbag from Carrie, it wasn’t just about friendship. It was a classic product placement move. The bag became a meme on the internet in January. But hey, even if it’s bad press, it’s still kind of good, right? The movie has a massive fan base, and that Louis Vuitton bag is forever etched in our minds, proving how clever that placement was.

3. The Devil Wears Prada

The movie might have some issues with its portrayal of the fashion world, but boy, did it leave an impression. Remember Anne Hathaway’s character rocking a layered Chanel necklace? That’s what pops into my head when I see Chanel.

4. Friends

Talk about genius marketing. The founder of Ralph Lauren, showed up in one of the most successful TV shows ever. Rachel Green worked at Ralph Lauren and they sewed the brand into the fabric of the show. They even celebrated the show’s 25th anniversary with a collection inspired by “Friends” characters.

Next time you’re loving a look on your favourite show, just remember, it might be there just for you, thanks to some sneaky product placement strategy.

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