4 Tips For Curating Content At The Airport That Isn’t About Being Serious At All, Featuring Aatman Desai

Every Sobo’s dream is to often take a trip to the airport every once in a while, and maybe sometimes also catching a flight. But while the trade can be quite serious leading to the final boarding call, some creators make it worthwhile with their comments and filters, quite literally.

Aatman Desai’s stride at the airport has never been less of a comedy packed adventure. Clearly pointing out our love for Starbucks and pronouncing names as if we are any foreigners here. 

If you’re a thriving content creator when it comes to jokes and love for thy’ airports, here are tips for all the newbies.

1. Choose ‘Your’ Filter:

If there’s one thing we’ve noticed is, every creator has their own MO, or their own filter and persona they choose to pursue comedy. Here Aatman goes for the ‘big mouth’ filter from snapchat, which we cannot argue on but suits him perfectly making him naturally funny. Snoop through your filter section to find your perfect.


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2. Select Your Domain:

It could be anything, or it could be something specific. Usually keep your window open for variety, that way curating content will be extremely easy. And if you’re the one to make multiple airport stops then have all your dialogues and scenarios ready.

3. The Target Audience Is Important:

The airport is filled with kids, business people and the ones who are just on their vacation, or ‘honeymoon’. Select any or all domains and get creative, it’s usually the observing and enacting skill of learning that works best.

4. Ease Into Every Subject:

For you to make people buy you, or even follow you is for you to make them believe you are naturally funny and know your subject really well. Hence being at ease makes each reel come out beautifully, enough to make you laugh at yourself.


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Social media is a funny and entertaining place to say the least, and so are airports sometimes. Make the most of your creative freedom and love for unique filters always on the lookout for better content.

About Author /

From travelling, to hogging on different cuisines and browsing mindlessly - I am always curious to the world of lifestyle and trends here and there.

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